Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Living In The Moment

The view from my "office," otherwise known as my dining room table, is one of my favorites. It's not anything special, in fact its an overgrown lot next to a house across the street. The home is a rental and the lot is crowded with trees and brush, which really should be cut and trimmed. But when we sit down for dinner, I guess it is better than looking at another house and when everything is in full bloom it's actually quite nice.

For me, in this moment, it's the same old view. And that makes me a very lucky person.

My view could be much different. As well as much worse. At this time, we must live in our moments, good, bad and otherwise. And if your view, your moment, is the same old, same old, count your blessings and remember - the grass isn't always greener. Especially when absentee landlords are involved.

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